Frequently Asked Questions
Ringless voicemail drops (RVMs), also known as voicemail
drops, are tools employed to deliver personalized
voicemail messages directly to the recipient's voicemail
box. Ringless Pro holds the patent for our ringless
voicemail technology. Utilizing our platform, we
seamlessly take your prerecorded message and insert it
into the recipient's voicemail box. We take pride in the
technology we've developed and the advantageous outcomes
it offers. To learn more about our patented ringless
voicemail technology, please read further.
Ringless voicemail or voicemail drops function with U.S.
and Canadian mobile numbers and certain landline phones.
For compatibility with landlines, a voicemail messaging
system/voicemail-box must be included, provided by their
phone service provider.
Ringless voicemail stands out as a highly efficient
marketing method, enabling outreach to numerous phone
numbers without the need for manual dialing. With our
user-friendly interface, you can swiftly create and
deploy a voicemail drop within minutes of setting up
your account.
Ringless voicemail technology is legally permissible,
but, like any telecommunication service, it is subject
to regulation. The regulations governing phone calls and
text messaging also extend to ringless voicemail. The
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), established in
1991 under the guidance of the FCC, safeguards consumer
privacy by placing restrictions on telemarketing
communications. In 2003, the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) created the National Do Not Call Registry,
introducing regulations that prohibit commercial
telemarketers from making unwanted, unsolicited sales
calls. For more details on the TCPA and FCC Guidelines,
you can visit
Ringless voicemail involves delivering a message
directly into the recipient's voicemail inbox, offering
a more personal and less intrusive outreach method
compared to texting or robo-calls. It provides a
discreet alternative, reducing the likelihood of
annoyance from recipients, similar to checking an email
inbox rather than receiving an intrusive call during
Ringless voicemail involves reaching someone's voicemail
inbox directly, bypassing ringing and the risk of
inconvenient timing. This strategic placement allows you
to leave a personalized message, encouraging the
recipient to take action by calling back or visiting a
designated website. This establishes a clear "call to
action," directing callers back to your business.
Depending on the pricing plan you choose, costs can
vary. In the pay-as-you-go plan, you can make 200
deliveries for $10. Under a monthly delivery plan that
works more like a subscription, you can place the same
amount of deliveries for a reduced cost of $8. If you
need to place a lot of voicemails, you can even find
pricing plans that allow for over 10,000 placed ringless
voicemails per month.
In 2003, the National Do Not Call Registry was created
by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), implementing
regulations that prohibit commercial telemarketers from
making unwanted, unsolicited sales calls. To learn more,
Ringless Pro does not cross check your personal phone number lists with the National Do Not Call Registry.
Ringless Pro does not cross check your personal phone number lists with the National Do Not Call Registry.
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)
is a federal statute designed to safeguard consumer
privacy by restricting telemarketing communications.
This statute was enacted in 1991 and covers
telemarketing communications via voice calls, SMS texts,
and fax.
Laws, rules, and regulations vary by industry, state, and country. It is your responsibility to know these laws and to comply.
Laws, rules, and regulations vary by industry, state, and country. It is your responsibility to know these laws and to comply.
Ringless voicemail technology is legal. However,
ringless voicemail, like any other telecommunication
service, is regulated. The same regulations that apply
to voice calls and text messaging, also apply to
ringless voicemail.